Senior Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob confirmed this in a press conference today, saying the people were free to travel despite the presence of roadblocks, manned by the police and the Armed Forces, mounted at major highways.
With this announcement; it is confirmed that there will be no ban on interstate travel for the upcoming Hari Raya Haji celebrations.
There has been growing concern that nationwide interstate travel may be banned following a recent spike in daily Covid-19 cases.
Ismail Sabri, however, reminded Malaysians to adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOP) that have been put in place.
"There are no travel restrictions between states or zones. The government is allowing the rakyat to balik kampung but like I have said before, they have to follow the SOPs. We have to practise social distancing, hand washing and using sanitiser as well as wearing face masks.